Monday, August 17, 2009

Experience in School

From the subject TLE there are many lessons that I learned. I learnd how to create Blog,How to Post it and Published it.iI learned also what are the kind,and many more. With all my subject,I learned how to become curious in my study,How to give important to it .Aboove all I learned that I must do my best to study hard.I learned also how to give important and respect to my teacher as well as my Friends

During the time that I had a problems tha I encountered I did'nt what to do and can I solved it,I did'nt know what are the solution such as when my teacher gave a project and we might pass it in exact date but i did'nt pass because of my laziness in doing the project and my teacher said that my grade will be going down. An d my second problem that I encountered was the time that I lossed my notebook because my teacher said that we must pass our notebook and she said that it is one of our project ,but I have nothing to pass.

But as a student I faced my problems with strong determination and with out a fear . I did not give up .I was not afraid t find solution and I never lossed faith in God

Moving on I must study hard .I must do my assignments and my project If our teacher already discussing I must listen carefully .If I do this things I expect that soeday i am become success in the school.


  1. you're right bestfriend, you must study hard for your future.... set your problems as challenges in your life....,,, GOODLUCK!!!!! ^_^....

  2. i've enjoy reading ur posted blog .........
    keep up d gud work

  3. nice blog dhir
    keep up the good work
    study hard
    take olweiz

  4. that's right you should have enough strenght to face the circumstances that might overcome on the facets of your life... be brave ...

    i had noticed something dont be in hurry in typing that's why some of the spelling are incorrect.. topograpical error..

    good luck my ex classmate as well as friend??? hahaha..

  5. ooopsss... im sorry im also in hurry that should be strength...hihihihi...

  6. nice post
    and like others I enjoyed
    reading your blog...
    continue making interesting blogs
    study hard
    and as what the famous line say..

    "aim high fly soar!!!"

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!! wahaha.. VERY INTERESTING BLOG. hope to read more on your page.. muah

  8. hi!!!!!!!
    I LYK DIS POST .......

    ahm,congratz 4 having top 1 in ur clas ....
    kip up the gud work.

    kip xafe.

  9. hai pid!!!!
    for being the top 1 in your class...
